N.Z.R Grassgrubs (demotored Drewery railcars)

photo: collection Colin Duthie

This photograph taken through front window of Dj class loco as it runs through Christchurch railyards on way to pass over the crossover ahead, then back onto the demotored Drewery railcars, now classified as `Ac` coaches, but popularly called `grassgrubs` due to the green colour scheme. It is December 1980 and this is the Greymouth train, before the days of the `TransAlpine`. These railyards no longer exist. .


photo: collection Colin Duthie

The Dj loco is now passing over the crossover and backing on to the Ac cars.


photo: collection Colin Duthie

Ac cars, (demotored Drewery railcars, now popularly called `grassgrubs`) behind a Dsc shunting loco on the Hornby Industrial Line. Just why these cars should be on the Hornby Line (the stump of the old Little River and Leeston branchlines), I have no idea! About 1981.


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