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Welcome To White Wolf's Den

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This page is under construction! Updated 9-28-98

Enter my world of the White Wolf's Den, pull up a stump, have coffee, and sit a spell.Thank you for stopping by, we enjoy the company.

Please make yourself at home, relax, enjoy your visit. Take time to visit the pages, and let me know how you like them ! Visit anytime you like, coffee is always on..maybe some sweet rolls too, and a good conversation is always enjoyed...

I'm dedicating this site to "my children" who have passed on, they touched the hearts of many, and warmed mine forever! To all "my children" who still are here, and to "All MY RELATIONS"!

On March 17th 1991 I received a call from a gentleman in Conway, NH, we talked for over an hour. I had a litter of cubs born that morning, so we talked of Wolves, and Hybrids, which are very dear also to this man...Fred Keating, who became a good friend of mine, and now he runs the Loki Wolf Clan Refuge in NH, were they currently have 80 + or - Wolf Hybrids, with more waiting to be placed with them. It's hard for Fred and anyone who loves and understands Wolves, and Hybrids to see so many unwanted animals.

Learn more at their Web Site: Loki Clan Wolf Refuge

Loki Wolf Clan Refuge, P.O. Box 1186, Conway, NH 03818-1186

Learn about Wolves and hybrids

A Tribute to Akuta (Shot by Hunters)

A Tribute to the Dog

Suggested Reading

White Wolf Den Pictures

Meet Sun Wolf

Web Rings and Awards

A Java Lake Wolf.. and Poems

Wildlife and First Peoples Links

Thank you for stopping. Did you enjoy your visit ?


Looking for your Genealogy check with these links.

US GenWeb Project

Genealogical Links

or join us in the chat room of your choice.

#NativeAmerican Channel's Web Site
Dalnet IRC Network

We'll be looking for you! Give Sun_Wolf a shout!

Please come back and visit me again.
There are plans for much more.
So Stay Tuned!

This Web Site and it's Background was designed by Wanda Clowater
Created with the CoffeeCup HTML Editor

Best experienced with
Microsoft Internet Explorer
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Ta Ho, from the White Wolf's Den and Sun Wolf

Web page Design & Maintenance by 1998 Kindred Spirit Art ©1998 Kindred Spirit Art
All Art Work and material is copyrighted and may not be used in any form.
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