Java Wolf Lake & Poem!

We are Related
By Wanda Clowater © 1995

Akuta, May your spirit soar!

I entered this world from my mother's womb,
as you did. I was raised by my parents as you were!
I watched as you cried for your dead, as I did.
I was taught to survive, as you were.
You hold your family dear, as I do.
we are alike, and I cared for you.
I sent you my son, you call him dog.
He helped you to hunt, as my young do.
You call me wolf, and fear me enough to kill.
I call you man, hide my family to save thier lives.
I still watch over you, because I care.
We are brothers you and I.
We are related.

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The Background was created by Wanda Clowater
soley for the use on this and on her personal site, under no
conditions is this to be used. This Background dedicated to Akuta

This document was created by and is maintained by Kindred Spirit Art