The Wolves Den

Who's Afraid of the big (((BAD??)) Wolf?
by Wanda Clowater

A Closer look at wolves and wolf hybrids.

Wolf Hybrids Are Not Dogs! A wolf hybrid is a wolf/dog cross that carries traits from both species and is capable of reproducing with other wolves, dogs or hybrids. So while the name 'hybrid' has stuck, it is somewhat of a misnomer. Wolf hybrids as we know them are a product of captive breeding. Although there are wild hybrids, they are very rare due to the territorial nature of wolves. Wolves can breed with most dogs and there are people who will try all sorts of crosses in order to make a few fast dollars. Experienced, reputable breeders reconize only those hybrids that are of Malamute, Husky or Shepherd blood. These breeds of dogs are the most lupine in body type while producing hybrid offspring with reasonaly stable personalities. If you are considering a hybrid make sure it is one of these breeds.

Wolves and hybrids are pack animals. They instinctively maintain, within thier pack, a strick social order that includes all members. With hybrids a pack may include people, domestic dogs, and even cats that have been around since a young cub's introduction. In the wild, the pack is lead by an Alpha male and an alpha female. This pair generally does all of the breeding and maintains control and leadership of the pack. Hybird packs are similar with the 'owners'taking the Alpha roles. Establishing such dominance is a key to a good human/hybird relationship. This is accomplished not by teaching the hybrid as much as though the human's learning some dominant wolf behavior. Never hit a wolf hybrid! They learn to behave as you would like them to more quickly (and without fear) if you treat them as thier mother would!
Below Kianna's cubs are showing submission

Would you like to see more... Stories? Questions and Answers? Facts and Fiction? Well drop me a line

Wanda Clowater

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