Over the last 3 years, as many women have called our info number as have men. However, only a rare woman has come to more than one gathering, and they never last more than three!
I hope we guys are not all that scary! And I know we're not mean. We are pretty focused on sailing, but I think the women who have showed up are too. I mean, that's the reason we gather, no?
These women show up ... find no other women ... cuz the last one quit coming last week ... and they don't come back.
I know there are bunch of lesbian sailors out there cuz I've met some of them at our meetings. And they are on our phone list.
For now, I've removed the word "Lesbian" from our group name. I'm hoping to incite some participation by the women. Please forgive me if this comes across offensively. I don't mean it to be. And I hope to have good reason to add the word back in soon enuf! Apologies to anyone I've offended with this action, offense was not intended as I said.
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