Membership Form | Dallas/Fort Worth Grotto
3132 Emily Drive Mesquite, TX 75150 |
1999 |
New members will be charged the full year rate until through the March meeting. After this time, the dues will be reduced 10% a month for membership through January 1st of the following year.
Please PRINT clearly and circle any changes or corrections to be made. Please mail this form of a copy thereof to the above address for all corrections, changes, new members or renewals.
Please circle one : | Renewal | New Member | Change | Correction |
Name: | Home Phone: |
Address: | Business Phone: |
City: | State, Zip: |
NSS#: | E-mail: |
Names of additional members (same address) | Work Phone Number | NSS#
Both membership dues and newsletter | $12.00 | __________ |
Membership without newsletter (usually family member) | $3.00 | __________ |
Newsletter only | $10.00 | __________ |
Please enclose check or money order payable to : DFW Grotto at the above address | TOTAL | __________ |
Caving Hazards: A normal trip requires hiking, crawling, squeezing through constrictions, climbing, skirting pits and canyons, walking on loose rocks and through slippery mud. Wild caves are totally dark. Cave floors, walls and ceilings sometimes contain loose rock which may fall. Caves contain extensive, complex, confusing, mazelike and sometimes restrictive passages. There is some risk of becoming lost, disoriented, or trapped in a cave. Harmful organisms and animals-- mammals, reptiles, insects and toxic gases may be present in caves. Caving involves extreme and abnormal physical and psychological stresses. Cavers will be exposed to extremes of wet and dry conditions. Temperatures in some caves are below 40F. Cavers could be trapped in a cave due to improper use or mechanical failure of the gate or lock. Cave rescue is difficult, dangerous, and expensive. Cost of the rescue may be borne by the rescued individual. A caving trip will subject an individual to other unknown hazards and risks. This document attempts to list the most commonly encountered hazards and risks. However, it should not be considered as an all-inclusive listing!
Waiver of Liability: I (we) have been informed of hazards attendant to hiking to/from and exploring caves, and I (we) agree that the DFW Grotto, the National Speleological Society (NSS), and any members thereof shall be held harmless from any liability whatsoever for mental of physical damages or injury resulting from hiking near, entering and/or exploring caves, and that the aforementioned organizations and any members thereof assume no responsibility. I (we) elect to participate in any activities of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Grotto.
Signatures of Member (and parent if under 21) | Date | Areas of Interest |