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    1. Registration shall be according to BSA and insurance.
    2. Annual dues are $24.00 payable October 1st.  For members joining in months
        other then October, dues will be prorated.  Records shall be kept of such
    3. Any assessment voted on by the membership shall become part of that
        months dues-prepaid members are not excluded from these fees.
    4. Any member who is not current on the payment of dues shall not attend
        post functions or meetings.  No make-up will be allowed just to attend a
    5. Dues will be supplemented by money - earning activities involving the
        participation of all Post members excluding those excused by an Officer,
        Advisor, or Associate Advisor. Members not participating are not entitled to
        the benefits of the money derived from such activities.
    6. All money-earning activities must be approved by the Advisor and
        Associate Advisor(s) and must meet the requirements listed in the Explorer
        Fire / Rescue Guide.

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