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Welcome          to the Indian River Fishing Homepage
Here          you will find pictures and          information on          the gamefish of the Indian River, tips on what is biting this month, and          even a page on what tackle I recommend using.
There are other useful          links to sites such as tides, fishing reports and other great pages.
Click on any text          on the right to explore that link...

Click on each image    for further information and pictures:
Redfish,            known for their "tailing" are one of the most enjoyable fish to hunt            on the flats. While feeding they tilt their bodies upright, exposing            their tails making an exciting target!
Seatrout            are the voracious feeders of the flats. They aggressively attack topwater            lures as well as grubs and spoons.
Snook            are the elusive species of the pack. Sought after by the most seasoned            fisherman, they are highly prized as a table fish as well as the most            challenging to land.

More External Links
Cyberangler has just about          everything! Awesome reels!
The Vero Beach          H.S. Fishing club that I sponsor Awesome          reels!
A "must          read" for those interested in Florida and fishing Test your boating          knowledge
In my opinion, one          of the finest boats built today. Well built engines
Home -      Tips - Tides      - Redfish - Snook      - Trout - Tarpon      - My Boat - Tacklebox
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