Troop 20 - Calendar

September October November December

January February March April

May June July August

(Updated - Dec. 29, 2008)

September - 2007
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Wed. - Troop Meeting (7pm gym)

October - 2007
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Popcorn Fund Raising Month
Wed. - Troop Meeting (7pm gym)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

November - 2007
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Popcorn Pickup and Leave Raking Month

Wed. - Troop Meeting (7pm gym)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

December - 2007
return to top

Wed. - Troop Meeting (gym 7p)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

January - 2008
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Wed. - Troop Meeting (gym 7p)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

February - 2008
return to top

Wed. - Troop Meeting (gym 7p)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

March - 2008
return to top

Wed. - Troop Meeting (gym 7p)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

April - 2008
return to top

Wed. - Troop Meeting (gym 7p)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

May - 2008
return to top

Wed. - Troop Meeting (7pm gym)

Monthly Activity info - as soon as it is available.

June - 2008
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Sun June - Flag Day Ceremony at the Bristol Elks Club - 9:30a - 12:00p

July - 2008
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Sun./Sat. - Summer Camp week at Camp Mattatuck

Sun. - Arrive between 12:00p and 12:30p
Tue. - Troop Photos before dinner
Wed. - Family Night - Families may start arriving after 5:00pm
Fri. - Campwide Games in the morning
Sat. - Parents may start arriving to pick up their scouts at 9:00am

August- 2008
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Aug. Troop Trip - Delaware

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