Gear Review: Reflector Ovenby JSCanoeManufacturer: E-Z Camping Price: $27.99 at Campmor Rating: Good for canoe camping, bad for backpacking On a trip during the 70's I was introduced to the reflector oven. For 24 days we cooked on that thing. Strawberry shortcake was the favored meal. I recently bought one and have been experimenting with it off and on. A reflector oven stands beside the fire, reflecting heat onto a baking shelf from the bottom and the top. It folds to a shape about like a thick record album. The trick is to get it close enough to utilize the heat of the fire but not so close as to burn your food. One experiment was homemade double rise bread, frozen after the first rise. The second rise occurred in the oven in front of a campfire. Within an hour we had 2 very golden and tasty loaves of hot bread. This is best, I think for quick breads, Bisquick! But, it can cook other things as well. Patience is the key here. It also doubles as a warmer for cold hands, sending off a nice stream of heat. Accompanied by a grill and a dutch oven your cooking arsenal will be complete.