Common Name: Silver Grunter (Pamodasys
argyreus) Pek Choe in Hokkien and Gerut-gerut in Malay.
Description: Silvery green body with dark spots in rows of three or four from dorsal fin towards its lateral line. When out of water, the fish emits grunting sounds, hence the name.Common length between 35 to 40cm.The smaller ones inhabit estuaries while the bigger ones can be found in waters close to the shore to up to 60m.The fish feeds on small fishes, worms and small crustaceans.
Tips: You can bait No5 Mustad with fish strips or beach worms. Anglers find most success in estuarine waters near to the muddy banks and mangrove flats. Use 6kg mainline and 4kg leader, on single or two hooks on paternoster.