Starry Triggerfish

Unicorn Leatherjacket


Common Name: Starry Triggerfish (Abalistes Stellaris)
Unicorn Leatherjacket (Alutera monoceros)

Description: Both known as Koay Bak Hoo (Chickenfish) by the Hokkiens for the texture of its flesh, tasting somewhat like chicken's. Malays call it Ayam Laut. Both fish has a compressed body with a thick layer of leatherlike skin, covered with irremovable scales. Colours range from olive for the former to silvery for the latter. Both fish have strong teeth which they use to crack molluscs for food. The latter is so named because of a single spike protruding from its forehead.Grows to about 30cm on average.

Tips: Can be found in waters of up to 80 metres deep, particularly near rocks and reefs. Not frequently caught on handlines. According to a seasoned angler, they can be caught using 10kg mainlines threaded on wire trace of 10kg. Hook size: 8 to 10.


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