Here are some more pictures from around the Peace Country

B-17 bomber at Dawson Creek airportBeatton RiverBeatton River again

My niece and nephew at Bijou Falls in the Pine PassHere is a buffalo herd near Dawson Creek

Field of canola in bloomA doe mule deerThis fawn belongs to the doe at left

A view of some farmland near Dawson CreekAnother view from around Dawson Creek

Gwillum Lake between Chetwynd and Tumbler RidgeMorfee Lake at Mackenzie

Another shot of Morfee LakeA view of the Murray River valley

Here's an example of how warm a chinook can get, taken in early January

In the Pine PassAn evening rainbownear Progress

The Pouce Coupe RiverA cow moose**My cat "Mindy"

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