Favorite Links
Friends and Family Sites:

 My Sister, Carol's, Hompage

Miners Peak: My friend's webpage where she displays and sells her Ferret Art.

Marta's Art Page This is also my friend's webpage - showcasing her more serious art.

August '99 Playgroup Who's Who

Parent Sites:

Parentsplace Messageboards : I can be found here on the August 99 Playgroup, Preemies Board, Current Debates and Freebies boards

Preemie Resources and Links:

 For Parents of Preemies

 The Preemie Channel

 ParentSoup: Parents of Preemies

 RSV Prevention Center

 References for Parents of Preemies

 Preemie Parents Page

 BPD (Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia) Facts


Infant Apnea

March of Dimes

Some Inspirational Passages for Parents of Preemies

 Why I'm Glad I had a Preemie..


 Heaven Scent

Other Sites:
 The University of Memphis


 Parentsplace Protestant Parenting Board Bible Study

 National Parks and Conservation Association


 Online Dictionary

 Bargain Bliss

 Flamingo World (coupons, deals, etc)

 National Center for Education Statistics

 CopyKat - Restaurant Recipes

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