On April 18th, Vic and I decided to get a 3-D ultrasound done to see
what our baby will look like. We were quite amazed to see our baby in
great detail. For most of the ultrasound, our stubborn like one didn't
want to show us it's face, instead it kept covering it's face with it's
hand. The baby was sleeping for most of the time and didn't want to
move even after walking around, drinking cold water, poking it's bum,
and doing squats. I guess the baby is a solid sleeper like daddy. Seeing
the baby already having rolls on it's stomach is a big sign that this
will be a big baby. At 32 weeks, the baby's foot already measured 5
cms. One thing that we did get to see was the sex of the baby. It was
very clear. All I have to say is, it's a boy...and WHAT A BOY!!