We issue 8 pts for each tournament fished and 1 pt per ounce. There is a 4 pt deduction for each dead fish. Our 6 man team consists of the 6 anglers accumulating the most points. "MR. BASS" is given to the angler with the most accumulated points at the end of the 8 tournaments.


ANGLER #tourn entered # fish caught # alive total weight lunker weight total points
1 GORDON 8 25 25 51lbs 6 ozs 4.3 886
2 TACAK 8 23 22 49.9 4.6 853
3 KOPSCO 8 18 16 31.12 3.07 548
4 DAVE M 8 10 10 29.9 4.06 537
5 DOMZOL 8 12 12 25.04 4.06 468
6 RENALDO 8 16 15 25.2 3.03 462
7 GREG 8 14 14 23.07 439
8 GARY 5 14 14 24.01 425
9 STABILE 6 10 10 21.11 2.15 395
10 JOE V 8 9 9 13.02 2.14 274
11 CHRIS 7 7 7 13.03 2.01 267
12 ED K 8 7 7 10.09 233
13 DAVE C 5 4 4 10 200
14 BROOKLYN 8 6 6 8 192
15 JIM Z. 6 7 7 8.12 188
16 EVANS 4 4 4 7.06 150
17 CRAIG M 3 4 4 7.03 139
18 ED O 6 2 2 3.04 100
19 GRIES 6 2 2 2.04 84
20 FREER 2 16
21 GORMAN 1 8
22 GONDEK 1 8