Links to my friends!

Mrs shoremans geneology page

Shoreman's on the geese!

Venado's page.

Brads' texas hunting page.

.308's homepage,just getting started!

Brokenprests hunting page...a new england hunter.

Buckshot's deer hunting page.

Delton's page.

Tom the georgia hunter.

Huntresse's page.

Miss buck's page.

Groovy's page.

Cowboys page.

Sweetie's page..just getting started..give her a big hand!

Check out grump's cousin gramps page.

Pay a visit to tracker's deer braggin' page.

And this is tracker's page on

Check out predator and his dog,death row deacon's page.

Take a sec to check out wayne's page.

NChunter's page.

Unclelee's homepage.

Susieq's page.

Archer,the texas cowboy.Check out his reloading page.

Jim from N.Y.-make sure you pay him a visit!

The goosepit!

Upstate,he has some big deer there.

Canuck2..he's cool.

Bobobob's page..another canadian!

DEVO-he is the nicest gentlemen there ever was!

Grumpy grant..he needs no other introduction!

Rt's page...great canadian hunting page!

Deergrunt..close to devo in admirability..that wasn't too gratuitious,was it?

Hoghunter's page..pretty neat!

Hip pocket...if sweetness was negotiable she'd be in fortune 500 class!

Magnum..look at that buck!

Digger..take a look at his best buck!

Rocky's page....tell him i sent you!

Pay a visit to the pacific washington and martha's page

Mustang..the florida hunter and aviation fan!

See what wisconsin is like thru the eyes of whitetail!

Visit archerlady's dissapointment there!

Deerslayers page.

Rick in nebraska...check out his pics,the big show off!

Click here for the main page.