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Faith Christian Fellowship Church
6800 School Street
Cincinnnati, Ohio 45244
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Feature Sermon
A Cure for Family Fatigue

Dr. Ed Bonniwell

This morning we are beginning a family series and todays message is entitled A Cure for Family Fatigue.  Now I want you to work with me for just a moment; because after all a sermon really is, in effect a kind of self surgery as it were, that we do on ourselves.  I want to begin by asking you this question.  Last Monday morning, when you arrived at work, were you exhausted, tired?  I mean when you got there!  How many times this past month have you over disciplined your child because you were tired?   And thus, it happened because you had a short fuse and you were in bad temperament.  Do you find that you go to bed at night tired and awaken the next morning feeling even more weary and exhausted? 


Just as there are seasons to a year, there are seasons to our lives. And some seasons just..sting and are best characterized by difficulty or loss, set backs or bitter dissappointments. Some seasons do more than take the wind out of our sails - they try to take our confidence in Christ away. In such times remember the following:

1. No matter how bad it gets God will never forget us or forsake us. "Behold, I have inscribed you on the palm of my hands, your walls are continually before me (your life)...can a woman forget a nursing child...even these you may forget but I will never forget you".
(Isaiah 49:15-16)

2. Remember God loves you because He elected to love you and He will not stop loving you, "the Lord did not set His love nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all people, but because the Lord loved you. Know therefore, that the Lord...is God the faithful God".
(Deuteronomy 7:7,8,9)

3. You have a partner in this life - "A friend that sticks closer than any brother. (Proverbs 18:24) That Friend is Jesus Christ and nothing can seperate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus(Romans 8:35)

4. God is almighty and has authority over all our problems and all of our issues. (Psalm 77:14) "you are the God who does wonders."Do you believe God for His wonders and miraculous powers on your behalf?

5. No matter what your circumstances ecven if you are in a place of declension, you are never beyond the reach of our Lord God. "If I make my bed in hell, behold you are there. Even there your hand will lead me...the darkenss is not dark to you, and the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are alike to you".

The way out of discouragement of the world is to believe what God says in His word. The above passages will fortify you in seasons of difficulty and are a radical source of real encouragement. In fact, if you read the Bible correctly you will find that God has far more encouragement for you than judgements or warnings. You are never beyond the reach of our wonderful Christ who is full of loving kindness,(chronicles 16:34), mercy and comfort (2 Chronicles 1:3).

Be encouraged!

Pastor Ed

Mission Statement

Our mission is to cultivate believers and belongers who through the Faith Christian Fellowship Church carry out the ministry of Jesus.
FCFC is commited to helping all devlop a romance with God's Word, to becomming true worshipers, and to being witnesses in the world through consecrated dicipleship and faithfulness in their daily walk.

We are a local body of Christians, nondenominational, committed to the historic Christian Faith, the Spirit-filled life, and the gifts of the spirit. We witness to new life in Christ made possible by acceptance of Him as Savior and Lord. Through us, we believe, God is building a stronger New Testament Church of Spirit-filled believers who are commited to prayer, personal ministry, evangelism and discipleship, reaching Cincinnati and beyond.

Phrase Search / Concordance
Words/Phrase To Search For
(e.g. Jesus faith love, or God of my salvation, or believ* ever*)

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