Spring Break 1997!

Charleston, South Carolina.. and kayaking what more could you ask for??

Here is a short summary of what our awesome spring break included:
Day 1 -- Drive to Cincinati, Ohio. Went to Omnimax show and dinner.
Day 2 -- Arrive in South Carolina (James Island). Set up camp. Went on an awesome bike ride around the lake at James Island Park.
Day 3 -- First day paddling in our kayaks. Paddle to Ft. Sumter. Paddled (tried) to Fort Moultrie (which by the way, used the palm trees and sand to block the cannon's fire during the revolutionary war.)
Day 4 -- Paddle to Capers Island via Intercoastal waterway.
Day 5 -- Vegetate on the island...
Day 6 -- Paddle back to Morris's landing. Went out to dinner- Hyman's.
Day 7 -- Surfing!!!! Then out to dinner at Rose Greenberg's.
Day 8 -- Charleston- shopping and wandering... lunk at Sticky Fingers.
Day 9 -- Lexington (on way back) WEIRDOVILLE!!!!! long story.. will add later...

Memorable experiences...
Our Sweeties stops, as Pete would say.
Christina's bath in the Atlantic.
Christina's losing her shoes in the Atlantic.
Christina's finding her shoes the next morning.
Erin's kayak "taking off on its own" on our first day out in the middle of the bay.
Our fear of Oric getting Hypothermia.
Reto's card games.
Reto's love of oysters....
Sleeping on the beach.

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