Ryazan Genevieve
Hi all, my name is Ryazan Genevieve and my mum calls me 'Chernaya' which apparently means 'black' in Russian. This is not exactly fair because it's only my face that is black, but nevermind - I come to her when she wants me to anyway (sometimes :) ) - she gives me
cookies for this!!!
And this is my sister Gabrielle; I'll have to introduce her to you because she is a bit shy with the strangers. Don't you think she is shy with me though! She think she is the boss; she takes the bones my mum gives to ME!!! and buries them in the garden! I let her do this, however, not because I don't want my bones or can't take them back; I just know I'll get more sooner or later - new fresh bones, not the filthy muddy old ones! Oh, and I forgot to tell that her nickname is 'Ryjaya' - for 'ginger'.
This is us!!! playing!!! in the corridor!!! (We've hidden this yellow ball by now; mum wonders where d'it go, but we are not telling!!!)
We'll get this flashing thing soon - Oh yes we will!!!!
Ryjaya in the garden

And you can also have
a look at our parents
if you want to.
And this is our pedigree!

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