
Howie Litwack will act as our comptroller to review our income and expenses from the Reunion.
We have 3 goals for our budget.
1. To keep the Website going until the next Reunion in 2005
2. To give seed money for deposits for the next Reunion
3. To distribute a directory of all TARIGOites
Here is our latest budget numbers:
Table & Chair Set Up/ Cocktail Party $100 . Paid in Full
Office Supplies, Decorations, etc. $35 . Paid in Full
Website Registration $80 . Paid in Full for 2 years
Website Monthly Fee $70 . June - Dec..31st
T-shirts $1,330 . Paid in Full
Trophies $777.50 incl. shipping to Nevele . Paid in Full
Printing for Programs, etc. $40.05 . Paid in Full
Refreshments for Friday & Sat. Night $90 . Paid in Full
Film & Development $60? . On going
Deposit on Booking Rooms Returned in Full . .
Logo Scanning by Michael Lewis $104? . Need to send check when sent invoice
TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2000 $2,686.55 . .
. . INCOME for 2000 $
Monthly Sponsors Up Until January 2001 . . .
. . Barbara Levin $50
. . Barry Schwartz $45.60
. . Paul Glick $30.40
. . Eisenstats $15.20
. . Candy Cohen $15.20
. . Jeff Koval $30.40
. . Debbie Seaman $26.50
. . Sockamin $15.20
. Post Reunion T Shirt Sales Doktor, Tabak, Sharfstein, Gander -Yoss, Salzman, Mayer, Doktor, Rook $128.8
. . TOTAL INCOME until Dec. 31, 2000 $3,864.10
NET DIFFERENCE Up to December 31, 2000 . . $1,177.55


. Expenses: $10 per month for website or $120 for 2001. There was no income for this year. All of the monthly sponsorships were paid in 2000. We will now start selling more months for February 2002 on... So our net income at the end of 2001 is $1,057.55


Expenses:$10 per month for website or $120 for 2002 and the re-registration fee of $80. Monthly Sponsorships for February 2002 to December 2002 came to $. They included, Landman/Brauner($20), Bob Horowitz ($50)... So with $200 in computer expenses and $70 in income, we have a net loss of another $140. So at the end of 2002 our account is at $917.55


We spent another $120 in website fees this year and nothing for the domain name since it was on a two year contract.
So at the end of 2003 our account is $797.55


We will spend another $120 in website fees this year and $80 for the domain name since it was on a two year contract. That would bring our account down to $597.55.
Ivy Fahrer gave us $100 for sponsoring the website for 4 months. On August 11, 2004 I extended the right to camptarigo.com with Network Solutions up until June 28, 2011 for $99.90. Our domain name will be good until then. So at the end of 2004 our account will be $597.65.


So we will start out the year with approximately $600. I have already placed a deposit down to reserve rooms at the hotel which I should get back. The website will cost $120 for the year. So that should leave us with around $480 in seed money. I will now start a new webpage for the Budget and Expenses for the 2005 Reunion. Hopefully there will be some funds left over to keep the website going after this year. Maybe the Museum at Fleischmanns will take it over.
Bob Cohen gave us $25 in February to sponsor the website in his friend's memory.
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