Librarian, NYSafety Resource Center, March 1999 - present Virtual Digital library for workplace safety training sponsered
by the NYS Department of Labor.
Systems Administrator for Dynix, integrated library system
Reference Librarian, adjunct faculty (part-time), The
Sage Colleges, Feb 97 -- present
Reference -- Provide public service, assist users with research, teach
research techniques, instruct and assist patrons in the use of all library
resources; print and electronic.
Instruction -- Teach library technology class for Sage required course,
“Computer Literacy”; covering information evaluation, the internet, CD-Roms,
electronic databases and indices, the OPAC, and searching fundamentals
Reference Librarian (temporary part-time), Albany
Public Library May 97 -- April 98 Main branch, central library for New York State's Capital District.
Reference -- Assisted patrons at the reference desk and performed telephone
reference services;
Collection Development -- Developed the collection for classic works and
authors; weeded collection; established collection of surplus items for
future replacement requirements or outreach donations.
Database Management -- Implemented new “Alpha 5” software. Designing tables,
menus, and forms for the music "OPAC". Migrating records from existing
“Professional File” software.
Librarian -- Assisted staff with print and electronic resources; provided general reference
and research assistance to news department and staff. Researched and provided materials and music for programming, including obtaining broadcast rights.
Researcher (temporary part-time), Empire State
Development, Feb -- Jun 97 New York State Department of Economic Development. 400 hours of internet
research to compile information for an intranet database.
Competitive Intelligence Project -- Gathering relocation and tax incentives
offered to businesses by other states.
Consultant (temporary part-time), Governor's Task Force on Information and Technology; Jul.
-- Oct. 96
Pilot project to provide Internet access to NYS permits, applications,
and information online. Successfully coordinated the inclusion of
this project into a similar program at the Governor's Office on Regulatory
Reform. Saved 200 budgeted hours by avoiding a duplication of efforts.
Reference Clerk, Guilderland Public Library, Aug 95 -- Dec 96
Reference -- Processed interlibrary loans, Assisted patrons at the reference
Collection Development -- Revised collection development practices for
lease books, reducing collection by 55%; established weeding program; implemented
peer review process for withdrawal items.
Electronic resources -- Internet browsers and search engines, web based
searching, bibliographic databases, Dialog, Westmate, Lexis, ProQuest,
ABI-Inform, OCLC, EbscoHost, Moody's, and Silver Platter software.
Bibliographic applications -- Library systems (DRA, Dynix, GEAC, Sirsi,
and Follett)
Presentation -- Powerpoint
Spreadsheets and Databases -- Excel, Access, LOTUS, Enable, MultiPlan
Searching OCLC -- Introductory searching techniques for accessing bibliographic
records in WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog).
Searching OCLC, Beyond the Basics -- Uncommon searches and special characters,
complex corporate and conference names, the new phrase indexes, and combined
key searches.
Ready Reference Resources on the Internet -- General reference materials
such as dictionaries and encyclopedias and more specialized sources dealing
with specific subject areas and types of material. An overview of the types
of materials available, and guidelines for using online ready references.
MARC Essentials -- History and structure of MARC records, general MARC
structure, standards for input, fixed field coding, variable field tagging,
and quality control issues.