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To find those cool bottle rockets
that were such a hit in Cub Scout Day Camp 1998...

Follow Pack 606's link to NASA Spacelink
Under The Library, choose Instructional Materials
Choose NASA Educational Products
Scroll to and choose Educator Guides
Choose Rockets
For the Bottle Rocket Launcher, choose 16_Activity-10.PDF
For the Bottle Rocket, choose 17_Activity-11.PDF

Note: These files are in Adobe Acrobat format.  The Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed to view them.  You can download a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the same NASA Spacelink page where you have found the PDF files.  Scroll to the bottom and look for the Get Acrobat Reader icon.

Have fun.  And be sure to follow the rules of safe rocketry.  To become familiar with these, we encourage you to visit the National Association of Rocketry site.


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