A lot of good pictures have been taken during the racing. Find your favorite!

8/12/05  John Norman - Did I mentioin it was a little foggy?

6/17/05  Ken Michaelchuck - Now where exactly is that 2 boat length circle?

6/10/05  Ken Michaelchuck - Why does the wind drop like that?

6/03/05  Ken Michaelchuck - A Foggy Invitational

6/18/04  Tony Bowman - Downwind Start, Upwind Finish,

6/13/03  Ken Michaelchuck - Moonlight Triangle,  with moonlightt

8/30/02  Michele Bruskiewicz - Last Race, Last Sunset

7/19/02  Paula Schmitt        -  Some Wind, Some Waves

6/21/02  Ken Michaelchuck -  No Moonlight Triangle tonight.

8/08/01  Jim Valent           -  High pressure building in.

6/15/01  Rich Watson        - Triangle, downwind start.

6/08/01   Ron Marish        -  Quiet Time, pre-prestart.

7/02/99   Mike Hughes      -   Cloudy,  but 14-16 knotts!

6/04/99   Sheryl Turzinski  -  A drifter, Great Sunset!.


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