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Minutes from 11/28/01
Browerville Sportsmen Club Meeting

The Browerville Sportsman Club met Wed,  Nov 28th at 8:00PM in the Vet's Club.  There were 10 members present at the meeting.

The Secretary's report was read and approved.  Gary Bentz motioned to accept and Mike Kotula seconded the motion, motion carried.

The Treasurer's report was read.  Grant Bentz motioned to accept and Mike Reger seconded the motion, motion carried.

Horseshoe Lake Fund       $2013.29
General Fund                    $3393.65

Old Business

The pheasant feeders were put out after deer hunting ended.  Jerry Kotula motioned to reimburse Gene Tschida $30 for the cost of the corn for the feeders.  Mike Kotula motioned to pay, Jerry Kotula seconded, motion carried.

There will be a fishing meeting in January, Gene Tschida will get a hold of Jim Lillenthul of the DNR.

Gary Bentz will get us on the agenda for the Lion's Club and the VFW to see if any of them will help pay for handicapped accessible docks for Big Lake and Thunder Lake.  Jean Bentz is to contact the MS Society.

Our winter picnic is set for Feb. 10th on Horseshoe Lake.

We will set up committees in January to plan for our summer raffle.

No December meeting due to the holidays.

New Business

We had a bill from the Independent Hearld for an ad for our raffle and fun night.  Mike Kotula motioned to pay the bill and Mike Reger seconded, motion carried.

Jerry Kotula motioned to donate $30 to the Browerville Old Fashioned Christmas drawing.  Mike Reger seconded the motion, motion carried.

Gary Bentz motioned to adjourn.  Mike Reger seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned.


Jean Bentz  Sec/Trea

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