Welcome to my lodge

Please excuse my lack of organization. This is my first attempt at a home page and I'm learning most things the hard way. Please stop back soon as I plan on updating frequently.
I'm glad you stopped in. This page is for not only all the Lakota peoples, but for all creations. We are all brothers and sisters.We are all given the same earth and in return, we must give to her.For if we kill her, we kill ourselves. We must remember this.

Lakota Hide Painting

A personal note
Chief Seattle's Letter to all the People
Oglala Lakota Flag
A few links...be sure to check back soon for more

you are thefriend to come through my lodge.

If any of the images found on my page are copyrighted, please let me know and I will remove them promptly.

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Paykee Hunska.

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