Danny DiDannio - 11/13/00 00:42:34
My URL:http://www.yrarse.com
My Email:bonerballs@freakinmutt.co.uk

Welcome to the jungle punks, What in the name of God is going on here. Is it not about time somebody put some new shit on this page. It looks like we've done sweet FA since 1999. Warning going out to all UK Garage fans at HV3, DVSU members shall be mounting the biggest anti UK Garage campaign the world has ever seen. Rock shall rule once again. Long live the metal, F*#$ UK Garage!!!!!!

Seonad Leaford - 10/09/00 14:12:18
My Email:10003037@hope.ac.uk

Hi I havent heard from you lot in a while how are you all? What is Debbie up to as she hasnt written to me for ages. write soon. Seonad

Andrea Bray - 03/13/00 11:06:59
My Email:Andrea.Bray@moregroup.com

Where were you at this years Wintac. You missed a brilliant weekend. The first aider breaking her leg getting off the ferry at Calais, and a raid by the Belgian National Police!!! And of course all the free flowing alcohol and general frivolities as us al!! Andrea Bray Soverign RGU Basildon

Ice Lolly (From Tha CPT) - 10/11/99 10:49:09
My URL:http://www.don_mega.com
My Email:scotch-haggis@hotmail.com

So a mere ONE person has signed the guestbook in the past 6 months. This is probably due to the fact the we ain't got any new shit as Jesus has become a missionairy in Africa and Batson is out of the country. Technically so am I, but I thought I'd have a augh, so! Here's one goin' out to all tha brothaz from Chumpton, tha dunz iz in tha houz!!! Day Yey!!!

Sally Hill - 09/16/99 09:37:21
My Email:mustang_s4lly@hotmail.com

good - but get some piccies on soon! i'll try and get ours up and running too we were on liv98 and norjam 99 and we have piccies galore we are the Market Harborough lot write soon Sal xxx

Dan Wood - 03/17/99 11:09:55
My URL:http://www.fromeside.8m.com
My Email:daniel@daniel57.freeserve.co.uk

COOL PAGE - get a look at Fromeside VSU's

Colonel Ed - 03/09/99 00:01:02
My URL:fuck off
My Email:Wouldn't you like to know

We went to romania in '97 haha so fuck the lot of you bunch of sad cretinous Dinionsyians (i can't spell that well)See you later For Queen and country and all that toff Colonel Ed
Let me guess would you by chance be from Cerdinen VSU, and you may have been to Romania, but I am currently planning for when I go to Africa for 6 months slightly longer than a poxy two weeks, so don't you start showing off now.

Adam - 03/03/99 11:29:23
My URL:http://www.hull.ac.uk
My Email:lookitup@Ulazygits.com

Hi all, I'm bored, got an hour to waste before the next lecture, so I thought I'd sign this since I haven't done that in ages. Oh yeah, no excessive drinking since Wintac, are you impressed or what?! Can you get that picture of us all on the stage after the closing ceremony on here as well?

seonad - 02/12/99 15:35:21
My URL:http://as before
My Email:as before

Hurry up with pictures it was 6 months ago!! please send me some info on norjam
I've finally got the diary up, the pictures will follow shortly

Hannah - 02/02/99 18:42:32
My Email:Fergie@alicia.freeserve.co.uk

I think that picture captures Kev perfectly! Dan, put some pictures of Mark on there so I can download them. And good work, I think that your Web Site is brilliant.

NOT North - 01/21/99 16:37:11
My Email:scotch_haggis@hotmail.com

allo muppets Thought I'd say howdy and see ya's cause I'm bored can't be bothered doing anything.

Seonad - 01/19/99 10:31:56
My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/ct/concord_tamesis
My Email:seonad1@mailexcite.com

Hi, well how long does it take to put some photos on to the internet, please hurry up we are all waiting to see them. Hope you all had a great xmas. See you later. Love me.

James Humphreys - 01/03/99 00:51:59
My URL:http://w3.to/ventures
My Email:j.humphreys@usa.net

Excellent site and I LOVE that background. It really captures the essence of Venture Scouting. Good work

Dan Sims - the great man himself - 12/15/98 16:28:20
My URL:This Page
My Email:Sims@rocketmail.com

After extensive moaning i have finally removed the under construction banner from the site happy now everyone. Should any one whish to have a copy of the banner e-mail me and i will endever to e-mail it back. Finally should any one have problems with my spellin send me som mail wit de corrections and i'll sort um out, also this is a venture page you should expect some mistakes half of it was probably written in a drunker stuper. Thats all for now tune in same time next year fo maby another comment.

Adam - 12/07/98 15:47:27

Dan, that wierd flashing yellow "under contruction" bit has been there for a year now, even though this site blatently no longer is. And how about a word from the great man himself on the guest book, or am I the only person who ever even looks at it?

David Gibson - 11/28/98 17:30:00

Gordon Wyper say's, "Get your act together regarding your spelling. It's CRAP"
You want to be editor and read through everything while doing A-Levels and the 101 otherthings I have to do, come and see me I'm sure i can find a job for you

seonad - 11/13/98 16:44:07
My Email:seonadleaford@hotmail.com

hurry up with the pictures of liv98 i am looking for them. Michael still loves you debbie. i still love chris. a bit of incest i think on all account shame they havent got a sister for alistair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss the fun time in the summer so i hope that i can see you all soon

Adam - 11/09/98 17:12:19

Tom Harrison? Who are you? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!

helen hyde - 11/09/98 12:15:35

Hello i am actually part of the Dionysus vsu i would just like to say how much i like this home page because it gives me an opportunity to look at all the sexy beasts in our unit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE

Tom Harrison - 11/05/98 09:39:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/duffieldvsu
My Email:duffieldvsu@hotmail.com

Feel free to drop in at our website any time. Bye now...

Adam - 10/22/98 09:56:51
My Email:lookitup@youlazygits.com

Look Gordon, I've already told you Hull is better cos it's in England. Who needs longer opening hours anyway, anyone can get slaughtered by 11pm if they try hard enough.

Haggis in his natural habitat - 10/20/98 15:26:01
My URL:http://www.student.paisley.ac.uk
My Email:gc980907@student.paisley.ac.uk

Hello everybody for the land of the Jocks The haggis has returned home and is flying his now famous St. Andrew's Cross on home ground (anyone who's seen V98 on Sky wil have noticed a large flag during the Texas gig belonging to yours truely). Well it's traditional Scottish weather all round up he e (IT'S FUCKIN' PISSIN' IT DOWN). It is however majorly cool with later licensing hours, bigger spirit measures and cheaper beer. Jesus, Dr Zeus, Adam, send me e-mails now. Oh, and get Gary to finish the jamboree stuff, I want to see it. Och aye de noo noo

Adam - 10/15/98 11:03:37
My Email:ah, you all know it

Awight guys! Nice to see some different people on the old guest book! Who the hell is that Jim Donnell guy though? And to quote that well known Wickford philosopher "WHERE IS EVERYBODY?"
please tell me that was a joke about Jim, if not it's JIM, from the mad photo's, Who ate all the pies Jim

My Email:jim.donnell@bankerstrust.com

What a superb collection of information all dedicated to the passion of drink. A big thumbs up from me. YOU HAVE MY BLESSING MY SONS

Lucy Gordon - 09/15/98 16:13:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/concordtamesis/index.html
My Email:concord_tamesis@hotmail.com

Hi everyone. Just to let you know that our homepage is all set up and there are some interesting photos of you lot on LIV'98.

Lulu & Seonad - 08/13/98 15:04:58
My Email:concord_tamesis@hotmail.com

I love Chris.Debbie Loves Michael and Pink for Sarah. Other members of our unit go for the sheepier ones, baa. Hope all you lot are O.K. Gordon keep that Scottish flag flying high. Cool homepage by the way. A concord, tamesis one is under construction we'll give you the address soon. See you later Luv Seonad and Lulu P.S. Short message for Emily>> Cuckoo!!

- 05/12/98 11:10:34
My URL:http://bollocks
My Email:feckarse@drinkgirls.com

I've seen it all before ya boring feckers.

Adam - 05/06/98 11:50:28
My URL:ain't got one
My Email:look it up you lazy bastards

Professional alcoholic am I now? I'll have you know I haven't been pissed for two days now!

dan - 03/24/98 12:20:37
My URL:this page
My Email:sims@rocketmail.com

Well someone's got to sign the bloody thing, and as i'm probably here more than any one else i may as well.

Haggis - 03/02/98 10:49:31
My Email:g.c.wyper@hotmail.com

I feel sorry for us not having harly any visitors so I sign for 20 of them.

Adam - 01/29/98 14:54:29
My Email:a.j.batson@selc.hull.ac.uk

Bugger me, looks like I'm the first person to sign the guest book. What an honour. Visiter number 14? Popular site you have here.

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