Daniel Layton Wright
Birthday: 5/5/95
Daniel is the big one. Derek is the little one. They
are clones. Daniel had the cutest high voice when he was two years old. He'd say the most grown-up expressions like this: "It's a little bit chilly outside." |
Daniel practicing his writing at
"school." Daniel had a bunch of nicknames when he was just a baby and a toddler. |
Daniel at two years old. He was so cute I just wanted to squish him and wrote a little story about it. | |
Daniel showing off in Glacier National Park in Montana. | |
Making cookies at Grandmaw's house. | |
Swinging in the park. | |
Another shot in Breckenridge. That's Mt. Baldy (13,770) in the background. I climbed it once in winter. There is nice glad skiing on the lower slopes facing us. | |
In Mexico. Our hotel is in the background. | |