1997-98 Illinois AFS Chapter Officers

Click on officer name to send e-mail or click on "message" for latest information

Executive Officers
President: Julie ClaussenMessage
President-ElectVic SantucciMessage
Secretary-TreasurerMike HooeMessage
Committee Chairs
MembershipDave BergerhouseMessage
NominationsRod HornerMessage
Continuing EducationGary LutterbieMessage
AwardsMike Mounce and Scott ShasteenMessage
RaffleMike MounceMessage
NewsletterBob SchanzleMessage
ElectionsScott StueweMessage
U of I Sub-unitJoe ParkosMessage
SIU Sub-unitTim SpierMessage
Evironmental ConcernsRandy SauerMessage
Conservation CongressBruce TetzlaffMessage 3/11
Rivers and StreamsBill BoydMessage
Illinois Environmental CouncilJeff SteinMessage 3/12
WWW Home PageP.J. PereaMessage
RNRC II/Annual MeetingVic SantucciMessage
NRCC Watershed CommitteeBob SchanzleMessage
Ictalurid SyposiumDan SalleeMessage
ResolutionsDan SalleeMessage

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