Tips or comments from
other viewers of this site. (Thank You)
Received from: Alexandria,
Virginia: Dunkirk, Maryland: San Francisco, California: Kansas City, Kansas:
Cleveland, Tennessee: Margate, Florida: Maine: Tacoma, Washington: Hollywood,
1. (From
Sam)-When using a public campground, a tuba
placed on your picnic table will usually keep the campsites on either side
2. (From
Bill)-Put an insulite pad on a lawn chair
at night when it's cold out. Tip the chair over at night to keep
it from blowing away or into the fire.
3. (From
Phyllis and the Boy Scouts)-Use a cast iron
Duch Oven with a lip around it to make pizza, lasagna, empenatas, etc.
Cover with hot coals from a wood fire.
4. (From
Jim)-Small packaged portions of condiments
that fast food restaurants give out, make excellent additions to a cooks
backpack because they are small and waterproof.
5. (From
Larry)-Cut a fire log (purchased in a hardware
store) into three pieces and take them camping to use as fire starters
on rainy days.
6. (From
Gorden)-Great tips for using plastic tarps
to protect your camping gear and instructions on constructing an emergency
kayak! Send e-mail for details (I will provide you with Gordon's
e-mail address).
7. (From
Kathy)-It best to view great falls when the
Potomac River is running high. You actually get sprayed with water
from the mist created by the increased water volume.
8. (From
Gene)-Great Photos of Kings Canyon.
9. (From
Sandy and Tom)-Promises of tips to come my
10. (From Joe)-When
changing a tire tube, a spoon with a wide flat handle works better than
tire irons. Bring a pair of disposable plastic gloves for the work.
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Camping Tips and Bike/Camping on the C&O Canal
Please e-mail your comments or
tips to: Jim Sharp