LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

To speed up loading I've put these animations into groups of five.
you can use the back and next buttons to navigate through the
pages. Under the gifs I added a java script driven
background color changer to enable you to see how they
would look in different color settings and you see which ones
have transparent backgrounds and which ones don't.

These animations have been gathered by ZSPOOK as a service to
other fellow fisherman.You can add them to your fishing home
pages as long as they are non-commercial and you do not attempt
to profit from them. I've tried to give credit to the designers
with ALT tags and links to their sites. If you see an animation
you created here please e-mail me with instructions for what you
would like me to do. Otherwise, enjoy them and visit the designers.

Web-Site Navigation Panel
Just click on the page you want to visit

Links to other sites on the Web

KIVA cool backgrounds
Cotton Patch cool animations and fishing graphics

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