User Manual for Integration Transactions ( Inventory Valuation ) Raw Materials Raw Mat valuation report will be the same as the Lot valuation report the Materials Work in Process WIP report ( tisfc4510mccc) shows the valuation of WIP at Actual Mat Consumed + Absorbed Ops Cost This will be the same as the WIP Value in the Ledger A/c. To add the Lot Result ( Price element ) to WIP JVs have to be passed at reporting intervals The entry will be WIP A/c Dr To Lot Result ( considering that the Lot Var shows a debit Bal ) [ Report for WIP as given by BaaN + Report for Lot Result for Non Closed orders will give the WIP valuation which will be the same as the ledger a/c after passing the above entry ] The above entry should be reversed after reporting, ie not the next day as the transfer to FG will be at stds and the production result will not have the Lot result element ) For Finished Goods At the time of Closing the Production order, the entry for result is WIP A/c Dr To Finished Goods ( instead of Production Variance ) This will load the Production result to the FG a/c Report for FG Valuation ie 1. Invertoy valuation for Lot Items+Production result developed 2. Inventory valuation for Lot Items + prod'n result + Lot Result To include the element 2 ( Lot Result ), the same entry as WIP will have to be passed at the time of reporting FG A/c Dr To Lot Result On Sale of the FG the Production order Lot No is available The elememt of Production variance & lot var needs to be loaded into the cost of goods sold hence a jv needs to passed enery time this entry is generated. The entry will be cost of goods sold a/c dr to Fg ( this will be the element of the Production result and lot variance )