Please allow page to fully load.
Currently all the pages are under reconstruction
so that they will load faster and give you more
time to enjoy the work we have done!
This page is always under construction!
AND...please note that there are about 13 pages
on this site. Look for the link buttons a little
farther down! Get to know all about us as individuals!

On 11/27/98 we were honored by Geocities with this award;
and although we have only been showing our pages since
September of '98, both Winterhawk and I are glowing with pride
for all these honors given to us for our efforts!
We hope you enjoy our pages!

Yosemite Award


Please check at the bottom of this page
for a "link button" to this site.

To The
WinterWolf Clan page!

Painting by Lee Bogle.

Following, are pages reflecting our Indian Heritage;
including that of our extended family.


The description of our page is:
"American Indians in our natural habitat"...
("runnin nekkid" and tormentin the rest of the world!)

Come on in! Take a peek,
and please come back and visit often!


On these pages, we wish to show who we are as American
Indians, but not only of the tribes to which we belong,
but of ALL tribes, using stories and pictures, so that you,
the reader/viewer, will fully understand how alike yet different
the tribes were to each other. Also, how they felt about the growing population of Europeans that were taking over the lands
we called home for hundreds of years.
We also choose to give our reflection(s) as to how this great
Nation of peoples can learn and grow from the betterment of
Indian ways.


According to "Uncle Sam", in his publication,
"DEOM1 Heritage Series Pamphlet 97-3", the month of November


There are many paths in which we may choose to walk
on our way to being with our Great Creator.
We, along with those who are open, and are "intune"
with our "Mother", know what is to be for us on this
journey. We welcome all who choose to travel along
the same path; provided they do so with an open heart.
Sharing in our glory, as well as the defeats that
sometimes happen along the way.
Come, rest your tired legs, and join us,
as we celebrate being brothers and sisters along the trail.
And let us offer our prayers to OUR CREATOR for giving
all of us the sacred gifts, and pray that we use these
in the proper manner for the betterment of all!
May, 1998.



Natum6.jpgQuote from CRAZY HORSE.

"We did not ask you white men to come here.
The Great Spirit gave us this country as a home.
You had yours. We did not interfere with you.
The Great Spirit gave us plenty of buffalo, deer,
antelope and other game. But you have come here.
You are taking my land from me. You
are killing off our game, so it is hard for us to live.
Now, you tell us to work for a living, but the Great Spirit
did not make us to work, but to live by hunting.
You white men can work if you want to. We do not interfere
with you, and again you say why do you not become civilized?
We would live as our fathers did,
and their fathers before them".
The Image shown is Not that of Crazy Horse, but was chosen by us,
as we felt it reflected the words of this Great leader. Also, we would like
to add that the above statement should be taken in the context of when it was spoken; as the time period was both harsh and demeaning
to Crazy Horse and ALL PEOPLES of American Indian heritage!

The painting is entitled, "Eagle Man", by Ms. Marie Buchfink


Here are the links to the rest
of our site. Please click them and get to know
Winterhawk, Tommi9 and Coda.
...and once again, welcome to our home. Thank you!
Winterhawks page winterhawks visions Stories and legends page
Tommi9s page Heartplaces Page Tommis Links
Tommis Graphics1 Tommis Graphics2 Tommis Graphics3
Codas Page Codas Gallery Codas Gymnastics


Below, you will find a button link
to a poem Tommi wrote a long time ago. It will lead you
through a series of poems written by VERY TALENTED people.
Although many of these poems are "adult" in nature,
you find them very "romantic".



These links below are simply amazing. There are separate biographies
and pictures of individual birds, who through no fault of their
own, are not able to hunt or live in the wild as they should.
Through your caring, you can help these great birds of prey!
Adapt a Bird Link International Osprey Foundation

The next links are for Wolves; and are much like
those above, complete with pictures and bios; please
look at this pages. You won`t be sorry you did!
Wolf Haven Wolf Park

The Two wolves shown in the Wolf Haven button
are the "Children" of our Dear Brother and Sister,
whose pages can be found above at "The Bear Cave"

Loki Clan Wolf Refuge


This is a link to one of our dearest brother's sites.
In our humble opinion, Black Scorpion is among one
of the best web designers WE have seen on this world wide web!



Here is a link to an interesting page! It is an interactive
site, so be prepared for something different.
The name of this experience is "THE ROOM".
Give it a try! You will be amazed to see what happens there!

The Room

You have to go see this one!!! We were in tears from laughing!!

Stuff Button


We are very honored, that within the first week of the
premier of our pages, we have been graciously given the
beautiful award below by "Sacred Bear", one of our Brothers.

Sacred Bear Award

To view more awards we have recieved, please click on
the link below.
Awards Page Button


Click here to see the WEBRINGS we are honored in
being a part of.


Note: With the exception of the bar graphs on this page,
all bars, buttons, "bells and whistles", have been designed
by Tommi9 for the following pages. Of course, most of the
paintings were scoured out at various places on the web,
and, for the use of this artwork, we thank the creators!
You will find links to them on the "lynx page".
Please do not remove these things without permission.

Email us at WinterWolf Clan
Please come back soon and visit us.

And PLEASE leave your "PRINT"
in our GUESTBOOK below, to let us know you've
been here. We would like to visit your pages too!

LE FastCounter

Sign Our Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View Our Guestbook

We would be honored, if you would like to link to our pages,
and for this purpose, Tommi9 has created the link button below.
If you DO link, please shoot us an email so we
can come visit your pages.
Thank you so very much!

winter wolf link button

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