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Great fishing and golf just minutes away from this quiet, self catering retreat. This three bedroom ranch style home overlooks Cherokee Creek on Clarks Hill Lake/Lake Thurmond and offers plenty of privacy. Property features a covered boat dock so bring your boat or rent one from the nearby marina.

Clarks Hill Thurmond Lake is one of the southeast's largest and most popular public recreation lakes. It is is a man-made lake bordering Georgia and South Carolina on the Savannah, Broad, and Little Rivers. The lake is created by Thurmond Dam located on the Savannah River twenty-two miles above Augusta Georgia and 239.5 miles above the mouth of the Savannah River. The lake extends 39.4 miles up the Savannah River, 29 miles up the Little River, and 6.5 miles up the Broad River in Georgia, and 17 Miles up the Little River in South Carolina, at normal pool elevation, Thurmond Lake comprises nearly 71,100 acres of water with a shoreline of 1200 miles.

Airport: August Regional Airport (45 minutes)
Convenient to: August, Martinez, Evans, and Lincolnton GA

Contact:   (706) 868-1005 ext 227