The background is the beautiful view leading to the farm. My host Jeanswas kind enough to provide me with
these accommodations which fit me perfectly. Here is a
view of the inside. I was first introduced to
BIG RED a fine friesen cow. Big Red showed
me his home and two of his offspring. Next Big Red
introduced me to more of his family. Then we all found a
nice tree to rest under. Being exhausted after my long day I hitched a ride on this jeep and went to my
accomodations to sleep. I was startled in waking by the
sound of motorbikes coming across the pasture before
good daylight. It was time to begin a new day. First Jeans
oldest son introduced me to a beautiful NZ Princess. After
that he introduced me to a couple local fisherman who
displayed for me some of their catch. During the day I also
met a cowboy and some of his family. Sadly I had to leave
the following day which was calfday at school.