B&B's BB - the Baptism |
In Holy Baptism our gracious heavenly Father liberates us from sin and death by joining us to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are born children of a fallen humanity; in the waters of Baptism we are reborn children of God and inheritors of eternal life. By water and the Holy Spirit we are made members of the Church which is the Body of Christ. As we live with him and with his people, we grow in faith, love, and obedience to the will of God. We present Elliott Hunter Hofferth to receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. In Christian love you have presented your child for Holy Baptism. You should, therefore, faithfully bring him to the services of God's house and teach him the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments. As he grows in years you should place in his hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for his instruction in the Christian faith, that, living in the covenant of his baptism and in communion with the Church, he may lead a godly life until the day of Jesus Christ. Elliott Hunter Hofferth is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for freeing your sons and daughters from the power of sin and for raising them up to a new life through his holy sacrament. Pour your Holy Spirit upon Elliott Hunter Hofferth, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in your presence. Amen. Elliott Hunter Hofferth, child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever. Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven. O God, the giver of all life, look with kindness upon Brian and Elizabeth. Let them ever rejoice in the gift you have given them. Make them a teacher and example of righteousness. Strengthen them in their baptism so they may share eternally with Elliott Hunter Hofferth the salvation you have given them, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. We welcome you, into the Lord's family. We receive you as a fellow member of the body of Christ, child of the same heavenly Father, and worker with us in the kingdom of God. |
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