"Welcome to the one and only true country club!!!"

Hey!!! Thank you, # Site Meter for visiting, "you are the daddy"! !!!

established February 25,1998

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The July Fish Bonanza is on!!!!

Todd Preacher wins SFFC Outing on a Tough Day of Fishing

As is often the case, the boat driven by Jeff Moon, produced another SFFC Outing Winner. Todd caught two Saugeye, 16-3/4" and 15-1/2" to win the outing. The story of the day wasn't the two saugeye but the "Fish of a Lifetimne" that they had on and lost. Around 7:05 pm, off of the weedbed of coaltown they were trolling and hooked into a musky that had a head 11" to 12" wide, easily 30 lbs and 50"+!!!!! "Sounded like a refrigerator dropping in the water when it jumped. Unfortunately they lost the fish, but it was the biggest one Moonie has ever seen. Lucas Cary took Second with a 15" Saugeye while Weatherbee took third with a 14-1/2" bass

Big Saugeye went to Preacher and Big Bass went to Weatherbee. No musky was caught so the big musky pot was split between the two.....$105 apiece! In a stoic gesture, Weatherbee realized that three of his best clients, Seifert-Swinderman-Hoyt were in attendance at the Outing. Since he never buys his good customers dinner, lunch, drinks, game tickets, gifts, calenders, cheap pens, bumper stickers, etc, he has opted to donate the $105 to cover Seifert-Swinderman-Hoyt's entry fee. This guy is a true gentleman!!!

It was an incredibly tough day, lots of rain and crap weather in the morning...first sun that we saw was at 5:00 pm! NO MUSKIES!!!!

Typical Leesville Musky Length
(inches) at Various Ages

Top row is age
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
10.5" 21.4" 30.3" 36.3" 41.0" 44.2" 47.3" 49.9" 51.9"
bottom is length
Typical Leesville Musky Weight (pounds)
at Various Lengths (inches)

Top row is length
20" 25" 30" 35" 40" 45" 50" 55"
1.4# 3.3# 5.9# 11.9# 18.0# 23.8# 31.9# 46.0#
bottom is weight

"...Alcohol, the root of, and the solution to, all of life's problems .."
--Homer Simpson

  • For miscellaneous fish pictures, click here. Warning, may be a slow download, due to number of photos!


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