Life gone in an instant... With blasts of hate from air...
The Day the World Cried September 11 2001
A loss of innocence on the other side of September 11
 September 11, 2001  Tis said that this is the day the world changed forever.
the world cries over 911


Life gone in an instant
With blasts of hate from air
Caught within a moment
This deed done brings despair

Contemplate this evil
What good has this deed done
Left us filled with hatred
This battle never won

Torn with mass destruction
Deliberate hate designed
For only in one instant
Deep sorrow for mankind

Families filled with horror
Hearts are filled with tears
Within us saddest moment
What purpose brings us here

Let us join united
To say a silent prayer
For those who were the victims
Their voices we must hear

People joining hands now
Creating biggest chain
Bringing forth a miracle
Where evil brought such pain

Innocent are dead now
What power does this give
Lost within the horror
But yet we all must live

Fear cannot bring power
For deep inside hate looms
The power of the people
In silent prayer resumes

Hands that reached so bravely
To help those find a way
With hearts of grateful nation
We bow our heads and pray

For all those who are lost now
On this most dreaded day
We pray that God will give us
The strength to find a way.

the morning star leads us from September 11 to the dawn and a bright future of everlasting peace
~Francine Pucillo ~
Šused with permission

Read more of her poetry here:
A few thoughts on the first anniversary of 9/11.
Please sign the guest bookThank you for signing my guest book
September 11, 2001 - a link to the original quotation
Quotation from the creator of this set:
September 11, 2001
"Today as my heart, like all of yours, is found breaking from sorrow at the events of today I found that I could not think straight, could not focus, could not get my mind and heart around the tragedy of the day and all of it's ramifications for the rest of our earthly days.  My heart is breaking for those whose lives are directly impacted by the tragedies and for the world and what it means to us ALL.   I did not know what to do so turned to the only place I knew to express my"
On September 11, 2002, please don't forget the others.


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Graphics and layout © Copyright 2001 Moon And Back Graphics

September 11, 2004