Corky's Daily-Refresher Box-4


Brad Burrell with his newly "Started" male lab retriever Nekko-II

Brad & NEKKO-II show the end result of a graduating Started-Dog on final training exercise

Bill and his Started lab female ZOE

crolZOE & crolNEKKO-II are from the 2003 July litter "from" combination bloodlines of CROL-MAGGIE/CROL-RUSTY


Pre-requisite Training
Working at an early age on the dog's proper 'SIT' position always helps later when working on retrieves

Amy begins the basic-STAY posture for handler.

Amy gives the basic-MARK posture for handler.

Box-4 is basic to all of the following training Stages
Pup training for travel, retrieve & water.
Corky's Box-4 Obedience method reminds dog of proper obedience moves

Sit Stay Heel Sit

Dogs in training should do BOX-4 at each "new area" stop for training.

The beginning puppy should go thru the following steps before beginning any formal retrieve work.

Let Pup watch older dogs train

Then you will be ready to begin formal retrieve training

Beginning Retrieves

Visit Corky's often for "updated" Training & Puppy Offerings