Welcome to the Arizona desert!

Notice for 9/18/06:
This website is still badly in need of an update, and I do plan to update it at some point. Sadly, that point in time is not right now. But here's a little notice that I do still plan better things for this site. Thanks for your patience. Thanks also for the guestbook entries (the real ones, not the spam)- I do want to try and get back to some of you who were kind enough to leave comments. In the meantime, check out my book, "Drawing Wildlife!" You can find it at www.amazon.com. I'll have more here in the future. -JC Amberlyn

NEW: Update, of sorts, for 12/12/03 I apologize for the lack of updates and slowness at replying to inquiries. The good news (for me) is, I have a contract to produce a "How to Draw Wildlife" book, and I'm busy working on that. The bad news (for this site) is, I have no time for anything else, and won't until after next February or so. Then, I should be able to update. Expect a report on my recent Arizona black-footed ferret spotlighting expedition, among other things! Thanks for your patience!

In the meantime, here are a few photos from the past year to tide you over until then:


Some image captures from videotape of two captive coyotes interacting with each other at the LA zoo.

LA Zoo-Captive coyote enjoying a good rump scratch!

More elk.

Older Photos:

Mule deer button buck.

Suprised looking cow elk!

A badger!

These two Colorado River desert bighorn sheep were playing around until one accidentally locked his horn on the other's neck! Both unlocked horns and were fine...

More to come after the update....

Until then, please sign my guestbook and let me know what ya think...:)

For a shortcut to Controversial Coyote, Click here.

To check out my 4 Corners Trip story, and see photos from my Zion National Park visit, Click here.

People- please be sure to give me correct email addresses if you want a response! There have been several instances where I have tried everything I can think of but cannot guess the right email. To Bohnsackwood in NV- I DO want to hear that coyote story but I can't seem to successfully email you!

For a shortcut to the Coyotes and People page, Click here. Do you have an opinion? Email me! Thanks for visiting!


This webpage is always "Under Construction".

This website is devoted to life in the desert-- my life, especially! It includes topics of interest to me, and I hope to you too, such as exploring the desert (and other Western wildlands), training deaf dogs, and especially COYOTES! You might want to take a big-brimmed hat and bring plenty of water for your trip-- it gets HOT here! Enjoy the sun and the show. Here we go!

Remember- All photos, essays, and artwork are my own unless stated otherwise. Don't take them without permission, or I'll have to sic a pack of rabid coyotes on you. HUNGRY ones. Heh.

Photo Gallery
My Yahoo Newsgroup:
DesertCoyote's Wildlife Encounter

William Berry- wildlife artist

tracks left in the sand. (Was up to 20,000 hits last year before the counter died!)

View my old Guestbook

Yosemite Campfire Ring
Member name: Desertcoyote
Who is on your left - Who is on your right - Close Neighbors
Grab a cup of coffee and see who all is here!
If you have a homestead in Yosemite, join the Campfire!!

This page listed in YAHOO.

Overlook Coyote's Den Neighbors Back In Town Images Links Sign Guestbook

Please ignore this unless you're a CTV person...../\_/\ Here is the proof that I am indeed me and I sent the email to you!

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