

Simon's Jamboree Website

You are visitor number to this site since Friday the 15th May 1998


If you have any problems accessing any of the parts of this site, please click here to email me and inform me of the problem


At last, the long awaited..............

(Click above to eneter the chat room, or to seea chat schedule)

Click here to enter Chile Chat and talk live to hundreds of scouts travelling to Chile at Christmas.

Nothing to download


The NEW. . . . . . . . . .

Click here

Why not Sign the NEW Guestbook?

Or just Read the guestbook?

Or maybe read the old guestbook (it got a teency bit full you see!)



If you are a bit bored, why not have a go at some have a go at someof my brainteasers


Stuck for a birthday present for Mum, what about a present for Father's Day, or just a thankyou to Grandma, why not make them a Chile Chum?

For more details, click here



Hello, and welcome to Simon's Jamboree website!
This is a site, made completley by me

Everyone is welcome, wether you are in scouting or not.

Mind your head!

This site is being constantly updated

Lets start then

For all of you folks who are nothing to do with scouting in the slightest,
you'll be wondering what all this jamboree lark is. If you want to know what a jamboree is.....
click here

Good, now everone knows what a jamboree is, lets have some information

Click here

Become a Chile Chum Today


All of our chums at scout HQ are really stressed out
so, if you ever come across any, please, be nice to them! (especially that Dek charactor)
They are having loads of fun organising our
home hospitality
hopefully, everybody should soon hear where they are going!

As most people know, going to the jamboree can be a costly experience, so, scouts have to suddenly do many crazy things to try and raise some money
Have you had a very sucessful fundraising event, or one which completely flopped, share your ideas and read other people's by clicking


As one of our fundraising efforts, we have been given some of these badges to sell, they are available from me at a price of £2 each
These may sound expensive, but are exclusive to the Central Yorkshire Unit (006) and are only available from one of it's memebers.

If you would like to buy one, please click on the picture of it to email me.


Hey, you there, stop yawning, if you are a bit bored, have a go at my puzzle page or my jokes page

I suppose now people know about Chile and the jamboree, people are wanting to know what Chile's Customs will let you take into the country


Click here and Email me now

If you have any problems accessing any of the parts of this site, please email me and inform me of the problem

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