AUGUST 19, 2001


In Attendance:


Neil Moore (Pres.)                        Tom Lautebach (Treas.)            Daryle West (Sec.)

Marie Medlyn                          George Maurer                        Norm Carsons (QM)

Chris Whelan                           Tom Phillips                                    Angela Abdey                                   

Bob Evans                               Larry Medlyn



Treasurer’s Report: read by Tom Lautebach.  The balance as of July 31, 2001  is $293.32

                               however the Gilwell registration money has been withdrawn from

                               the account so more funds will be returned as participants pay their

                              Gilwell registration.  This will bring the balance up to approx. $500.00.

                              We would like to have $1000.00 in account.


Quartermaster Report: Norm Carsons reported that everything is in good shape.


President’s Report: Neil suggested that minutes of every meeting be submitted to the

                              District Secretary.  All in favour.


                               Motion by Norm Carsons:   Allocate up to $800.00 for chapel

                                                                         maintenance and repairs.

                              Second by Tom Phillips.  All in favour.  Motion passed.  This motion

                              supercedes all previous motions.


                              A reminder was put in the District Annual Report that the Gilwellians

                              will assist any leader who wishes to take a Part II  but  cannot

                              afford to pay for it themselves and their Group cannot afford to pay

       for some or all of it.  The District Commissioner was also advised to please

                              keep this in mind if she heard of anyone in this situation.


                               Everyone was asked to let Neil know if they hear of or can think of

                              any future fund raisers.


Gilwell Reunion:   This year an arm band has been implemented to ensure that everyone who

                              attends has paid the registration fee.  If you lose your armband, it will

                              cost $21.00 to replace it.  No one will be allowed on site without one.

                              If you are not currently registered with Scouts Canada, a BP Guild has

                              been setup to register under and the cost is $15.00 which will be an

                              annual registration.

                              The reunion will now go back to what it was originally setup as and all

                              contingents are to bring events and activites in the afternoon that leaders

                              will be able to take back to their groups to use.  Our contingent members

                              have been asked to bring photocopies to handout.

                              We will be doing silk screening in the afternoon.  Neil has made up a screen.

                              Angie has asked to do the first shift, Daryle has asked to do the last shift.

                              Marie and Tom Phillips have also asked to do silk screening.

                              Pack-up will be at Grace United at 7:00pm on the Thursday night.

                              Advance Party: Tom Phillips, Chris Whelan, Anna Podebry.

                              Stoves: Anna-3 burner; Tom Phillips and Norm Carsons to each bring one.

                               Rocket: Daryle        Chris or Norm to bring large pot for rocket.

                              Tom Phillips: Mug board and propane tank

                              Neil: propane bottles

                              Draws: Tom Phillips: pokeman cards and x-men cartoon books (give aways)

                                          Norm Carsons: 2 saws

                                          Bob: will bring something

                                          Anna: will bring something

                                          Marie: flashlights

                                          Everyone asked to bring something if possible.

                               Neil will make reservations at Eastside Marios in Guelph for Friday

                               night supper for all those who wish to attend.