Scouting / Guiding Related - Sites must be Boy / Girl Scouting or Guiding oriented.
Non-Profit - Sites must be not-for-profit efforts. Sites that seek to sell products or services can not be considered.
CONTENT! CONTENT! CONTENT! - Please do not nominate a site if it is still in the early stages of construction! Your Unit's name, e-mail address, and links to other people's sites just won't make it! We feel that the inclusion of extensive and / or unique content matter far outweighs elegant design style and borrowed Java Scripts.
Service - "Efficiency for service towards others." In the founder's words, the candidate site must provide a Guiding/Scouting-related service to their Unit members and / or families, their communities, or Scouting and Guiding in general.
Technical Excellence - This aspect of the award selection process will be a measure of the technical quality of the Web-site i.e. :
- Is the site design pleasing to the user?
- Have the site designers used graphics advantageously?
- Can you read the text through the background?
- Is the site well organized?
- Can you navigate the site easily?
- Is there anything about the site that is detracts from its 'message'?
- Does the look, feel, and content make a user want to bookmark it?
- Do Image references resolve appropriately.
- Is the HTML code well written, with minimal errors?
- Do 'Hyper-links' resolve as intended.
- Use of Frames, Shockwave, ActiveX, and other recent technologies are neither grounds for elimination nor award. What is important though is that, when used, these tools allow a majority of users (i.e. i486+ or PPC, running IE 3+ or Netscape 3+) to successfully navigate the site.
A Final Note
All evaluations are subjective. Different people see different things that they like or dislike. Knowing this, please be assured that you are receiving a fair cross-sectional evaluation that has included the input of several EXPERTS from differing cultures, Scout/Guide Organizations, and age groups!