Recording your finds is very important, you think you can remember where and when you found everything, but as time progresses, your collection grows larger, and it becomes harder and harder. Alot of people write on their arrowheads, i do this also, but in a different way. I put a small dab of white out on one side, it makes it easy to read, and write on, and doesn't distract from it at all. Point data is important for future references. You will find yourself going back to your records often. Once you have started a collection you will be proud and want to share your finds with everyone. There are many ways to do this. I will share with you my favorites. I have seen people use superglue and stuff, and actually glue their treasures down. I can't understand why anyone would do this. If they need to take it down for some reason or other, they literally have to rip it off its display. One great idea is the display cases that hold them firmly between the glass and a soft bedding material. These can be had at a very reasonable price. A method that i use frequently is to hold them in place by poking small holes in a frame, and holding them secure with fishing line, its transparent, and looks good. Here is a picture of a few frames done that way.

Shadow boxes also make nice displays for your artifacts. I have even seen a coffee table with a clear top used as a display case. It was quite lovely. After you have decided on a way to show off your treasures, you should pay attention to how they are arranged. There are a myriad of shapes you can make, use your imagination. I have seen them arranged in shapes of different things, eagles, arrowheads, human heads and about anything else you can think of. Don't be afraid to display even the pieces you are fond of, after all, they were worth you picking up, they are worth showing. Whether you choose to use a certain pattern, arranging them by shape, style or color or just throwing them in loosely, try to make it semi-semetrical. A large object of desire in the center always catch's the eyes. Every little thing can be put to use to fill in spaces or just to show a certain type of point. Have a little fun when you display them, let your mind run. Below is a picture of some tools and arrowhead parts thrown loosely on top of a deer hide. My cat seemed to love the idea.

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Common points


Adena's and larger points

Pottery and other stuff

Axes and tools