Stonewall Climbers Logo Earth's first Lesbian, Gay, and BiSexual climbing club.

Linking leaders, belayers, rockjocks, and crag goddesses since 1989

.... Well, DUH!
Got Nerve?
...Click Here to Join Now!
Tried to join but didn't get off the ground?
...check the problems list here

Warning! Stonewall Climbers assumes no responsibility for the mis-adventures of anyone... including its own members. Just because most of us self-identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, that doesn't mean we're sweet, considerate, stylish, or even sexual! We're climbers after all. If you don't know what that means, here's an English translation: some climbers are more dangerous than just a thin wire in crummy shale 60 feet below the tweeker your slipping off and the sharp talus 110 feet below you. You have been forwarned.

If that doesn't scare you, then you'll be pleased to know that most of us are responsible climbers who would even consider leaving the pub, though maybe not our brew, to help another climber in need. We're not everyone's cup of tea, but if you think you may be one of "our kind", sign up and be prepared to make the best friends of your life.

Latest Bulletin:

Happy 2003! As threatened, the new membership policy has been implemented. For more about this story and other news, visit the News page.

Don't spend all your time on belay... Get motivated, be a leader! Join Stonewall Climbers today.

Guestbook News...
The old guestbook has been archived (26-September-2002) at: old_guestbook.html Feel free to browse. Members are encouraged to use the clubhouse area and subscribe to the listserve instead of using the guestbook feature. These web services receive more traffic and allow you to keep up on the latest Stonewall Climbers and Stonewall Outdoor Sports Network News.