
(Family Hemiramphidae)

Common Names

Gars, Gardies, Beakies, and in some parts of the world they are called Needlefish, Balao, Ballyhoo.


Gars are a slender fish with an extended bottom jaw. Body color varies from species to species, though tend to range from a bright metallic silver to silver-green or silver-blue. The belly is paler, and a red tip on the bill is common.


Garfish are generally 25cm-35cm in length and 0.1-2.0 kilos in weight.


Gars are a schooling fish that are found offshore close to the water's surface. They can also be found in inshore reef areas, bays, estuaries and even into freshwater areas.


They feed on surface plankton and floating debris such as leaf litter. They will also eat bread, dough, pudding mix, fish strips, prawns, squid, maggots and chinese silver fish.

Fishing Techniques

Gars are mainly taken on floats; hooks should be small and long-shanked; fine line and tackle should also be used. A light rod approx. 2.5-3.0 metres and a small reel with 1.0-3.0 kilo line.


Gars have sweet moist flesh and are a tasty table fish. They do however have many fines bones - so watch out!. Gars should be bled immediately after being caught.

Bag Limit

Western Australia 40 per day.

Legal Size

Tasmania 23cm,South Australia 21cm tip of upper jaw to tip of tail,Western Australia 23cm