I'm Glad I Am a Girl ScoutI'm glad I am a Girl ScoutThere's nothing I'd rather be But if I weren't a Girl Scout A ____________ I would be Hippie: Love and peace My hair is full of grease, Yuck! Love and peace My hair is full of grease, Yuck! Farmer: Give, Betsy, give The baby's gotta live! Wah! Give, Betsy, give The baby's gotta live! Wah! Carpenter: Six by four I'll nail it to the floor! Bang! Six by four I'll nail it to the floor! Bang! Boy Scout: Here's my compass, here's my map Why am I so lost? Here's my compass, here's my map Why am I so lost? Jedi: Chhh, chhhh (light sabre sounds) Luke, I am your father. Chhh, chhhh Luke, I am your father. Counselor/Leader: Stand in line, count off 1 - 2 - 3 Stand in line, count off 1 - 2 - 3 Birdwatcher: Hark! A lark Is flying through the park! Splat! Hark! A lark Is flying through the park! Splat! Plumber: Plunge it, flush it Look out below! Plunge it, flush it Look out below! Stewardess: Here's your coffee, here's your tea Here's your paper bag. Bleah! Here's your coffee, here's your tea Here's your paper bag. Bleah! Zookeeper: Feed the lions, feed the tigers Don't step in the (clap) Squish! Feed the lions, feed the tigers Don't step in the (clap) Squish! Camper: I won't do this, I won't do that I don't care what you say! Naaah! I won't do this, I won't do that I don't care what you say! Naaah! Ending: sing the chorus, and say "There's nothing I'd rather be." Return to the Main page Go to the Alphabetical Songlist