This place is still under construction. The goofs are mine. THings will get better though,I know this because my friend, SQ, is a techno goddess and has promised to help me on this critter.
Best to my little ones EJL + KML--it has been too long..
28 Jun 04--POND PONDERINGS: The only time I root in basketball is for someone to beat the Lakers--Congrats Detroit. John Kerry??Lord help us!!So many good men--wonder why they shy away from public service. Once again SQ did all the good stuff...the goofs are mine...Thanks to SQ for the help
4 Aug 02 One of the things I have enjoyed doing all my life is fishing. To me there is nothing better than sitting or wading a stream or pond trying to catch trout or bass...All the times I have fished I can't remember a bad one--even when I fell into a stream in Upper NY in April---brrrrrrr!!! So here are a couple of sites for those interested in the angling arts..
Flyfishing..Good home page to start any search for flyfishing stuff
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