Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts

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Membership Profiles

We here at AGSMA recognize that pictures take an eternity to load. So we provide you with our member profiles to keep you occupied while the pictures are loading. But. If we see you at a convention and find out that you are able to recite all of our statistics, We will immediately restrain you, throw you in shackles and send you directly to an institution. Go directly to the institution, do not pass go, do not collect $200. (Don't worry, we all know the way to the institution by heart)
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Member Profile:

Rank Varsity (Veteran) Member
Weapon of Choice Keeeeeyblade :)
Vehicle of Choice Acura RSX yay~
Special Attack pouty lips
Final Attack *snore*
AKA (Also Known As) phi
Birthdate January 23
Place of Birth California
Height 5'5" (165 cm)
Shoe Size 8
Blood Type A
Horoscope Sign Aquarius
Alignment Neutral good
Relationship Status Single
Likes (好きなもの) drawing, naps
Dislikes (嫌いなもの) work, arguments
Favorite Food crepes, sweets, sashimi, chinese
Least Favorite Food spicy food, ginger
Favorite Drink apple juice, C.C.Lemon
Favorite Alcoholic Drink anything non-alcoholic
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor green tea, red bean
Favorite Snack Food fakey cheese nachos
Favorite Restaurant depends on cravings
Hobbies (趣味) gunpla, pinky st., cosplay
Bad Habits pulling out my hair, slouching
Favorite Color White, orange, green
Favorite Animal Dokodemo issyo Toro, bunnies, seals, pandas, Spunky
Favorite Weather varying
Favorite Quote "=x"
Strongest Subject Art
Weakest Subject Math, Writing
Favorite Author =x
Favorite Book =x
Favorite Sport sleeping (it should so be a sport)
Favorite Board Game don't play those
Favorite Video Game Kingdom Hearts I & II
Favorite RPG Tales of Phantasia
Favorite Video Game Characters Sora, Cless Alvein
Favorite Convention Anime Expo
Favorite Anime Gundam Seed, Honey and Clover, Magic Knight Rayearth
Favorite Anime Characters Athrun Zala, Cagalli Yula Attha, Takemoto Yuuta, Lantis, Eagle
Favorite OAV =x
Favorite Costumes (Own) =x
Favorite Costumes (Others) I love too many hehe
Favorite TV Show don't watch TV
Favorite Music various
Favorite Bands h?l
Favorite Music Artist Tamaki Nami, Sakamoto Maaya, Suneohair, Utada Hikaru, Kanno Yoko
Favorite Songs too many =)
Favorite Music Video "Passion" - Utada Hikaru
Favorite Album h?l- Violation of the Rules
Favorite Lyric =x
Favorite Dance =x
Favorite Movies Beauty and the Beast, FFVII : Advent Children
Favorite Movie Quote =x
Favorite Actor/Actress Ishida Akira, Shindou Naomi, Inoue Kazuhiko, Sakurai Takahiro, Miyano Mamoru
-Is it because they act? voice actors
Favorite Household Appliance the fridge
Favorite Natural Disaster Kix's overly pink room
Pet Peeve name dropping, not enough sleep
Little Known Fact (秘密) Tae Kwon Do 1st degree black

Special Powers:
Cosplay Rolemodel and Reference Material +1
Crossplay +3
Coffee +1
Clueless +2
Doodling +5
Ice Breaker Fang +4
Self confidence -2
Ulcer +2
Vision +2 due to 3D modeling
Wibbling +2
Add +3 to Fangirl Bait when Crossplay
Add -1 to Fanboy Bait when Crossplay
Add +3 to Energy with Tetsuya Nomura Works
Add -4 to immunity and defense due to pessimism
Add +1 to Cute when in Fang Mode
Add +2 to sex appeal when androgenous

Starring Roles
Click here for wardrobe listing

Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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