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Meet Traute Klein,
AKA biogardener.

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Testing for Food Allergies
To be able to deal with your allergies, you first need a reliable way of pinning down the allergens which affect you.

Allergy Help Books

5 Years Without Food : The Food Allergy Survival Guide How to Overcome Your Food Allergies and Recover Good Health by Nicolette M. Dumke, 1997

Dr. Braly's Food Allergy and Nutrition Revolution For Permanent Weight Loss and a Longer, Healthier Life by James Braly & Laura Torbet, 1992

Biogardener email group.

Allergies Are Fire Alarms

by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener

    Fire!Allergy symptoms warn us to get away from danger, so let's not disable this protective system by taking antihistamines. Let's pay attention to it.

Fire! Fire!

    Allergies are fire alarms. What do you do when you hear a fire alarm? As a teacher, I have trained countless children how to respond. Drop everything and get to a prearranged safe place. Then call the fire department.

    Is that what you do when your allergies sound the alarm or do you grab an antihistamine to disable it?

Toughies without Allergies

    Have you heard people bragging that they do not have allergies, that they can eat anything they like, that nothing bothers them? Over the years I have watched what happens to these toughies. Many of them are no longer with us, because they have succumbed to a sudden stroke or to advanced cancer. Until that time, they lived in blissful ignorance while their bodies were bombarded with hazards with which they were unable to deal.

    Queen Elizabeth's sniffle problemPeople with allergies tend to be careful about what they eat or what kind of air they breathe, because they are sensitive to what it is that bothers them. Toughies, on the other hand, tend to subject their bodies to countless risks. Their body is not screaming at them to stop the abuse. Their system gets so plugged with poisons that it cannot distinguish between what is beneficial and what is harmful. It loses the ability to expel toxins. They get stored in various organs and glands until normal body function is no longer possible. Usually the collapse of their health happens suddenly. In all the years of abuse, these people were not listening to their bodies, and their bodies no longer bothered sending out warnings.

    Lily with Pollen, problematic for some peopleAre you one of these people? Would you like to reverse the effects of abuse to which you have subjected your body? There is hope for you, but it will take work. Your system needs to be detoxified thoroughly. Don't expect to clean out in one year the toxins which took twenty years to accumulate. The process is slow and takes determination and discipline. I have known few people who have followed through on their resolves for any length of time. Most of them give up after a short effort and hide behind the guidance of a physician who can write out a prescription to cover up symptoms of trouble, a prescription designed to turn off the body's natural fire alarm.

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